Resources and Support
There is much to navigate for a child with additional needs. Here are some resources that may be of interest in relation to state entitlements, health services, educational supports and other useful services in Ireland.
Revenue and Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
Incapacitated Child Tax Credit
Incapacitated child tax credit (currently €3,000) is available to the parent or guardian of a child who is permanently incapacitated, either physically or mentally and where there is a reasonable expectation that the child will be unable to maintain themselves when over 18.
Domiciliary Care Allowance
Domiciliary care allowance is a monthly payment for a child with a severe disability. The payment is not based on the type of disability. It is based on the impact of the disability.
Carer’s Allowance
Carer’s allowance is a payment to people on low incomes who are caring full-time for a person who needs support because of age, disability or illness.
Carer’s Benefit
Carer’s benefit is a payment made to insured people (through PRSI) who may be required to leave the workforce or reduce their working hours to care for a person(s) in need of full time care.
Tax Relief
You can claim tax relief for additional health expenses if the health care is for a qualifying child. These include educational psychologist and speech and language therapy, overnight accommodation and travel to hospital, travelling abroad, telephone rental and call expenses if a child is being treated remotely, and hygiene products and special clothing.
Unpaid Leave for medical care
Unpaid leave for medical care was introduced on 3 July 2023. It gives you 5 days unpaid leave if you need to take time off work to deal with serious medical care for a child or other relevant person like a family member. The leave is available to both parents and carers – see ‘Who can apply?’ below.
Education Support - Preschool (ECCE)
Access and Inclusion Model
Access and Inclusion Model is designed to ensure that children with disabilities can access the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme.
Education Support - National School
The National Council for Special Education
The National Council for Special Education has a resource area for parents.
The National Educational Psychological Service
The National Educational Psychological Service is the organisation of psychologists employed by the Department of Education who work in and with schools, supporting students, teachers and parents.
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment has all the information relating to what children are taught in school, how they are assessed and how teachers report to parents.
Educational System in Ireland
Information for Parents on the Education System in Ireland can be found here https://www.education.ie/en/Parents/
Help my kid learn
Another useful website set up by the Department of Education for parents to help them help their children to learn can be found here http://www.helpmykidlearn.ie/
Health Services
HSE Children’s Disability Network Teams
Children’s Disability Network Teams are for children aged from birth to 18 years who have complex needs, and their families. A child has complex needs if they have a range of difficulties which need the support of a team of professionals. There is a Children’s Disability Network Teams for every part of the country. These teams have replaced what was Early Intervention and School age services.
Teams comprise of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, psychology, nursing and social work.
Informing families
An initiative of the HSE, this is a website based information resource for families who receive a diagnosis of a disability for their child.
Other useful resources
Jack and Jill Foundation
The Jack and Jill Foundation provide in-home nursing care and respite support for children up to the age of six, with a range of neurodevelopmental conditions.
Irish Society for Autism
Irish Society for Autism provides supports and resources for those with a diagnosis of ASD.
Epilepsy Ireland
Epilepsy Ireland have a broad range of resources and supports available for people affected by epilepsy. Epilepsy Ireland run training courses in Buccal Midazolam administration, sibshops to support siblings of children with epilepsy and much more.
Make a Wish Ireland
Make a Wish Ireland grants ‘wishes’ for children living with life threatening conditions.
Dravet Foundation
Dravet Foundation is based in America and has excellent Dravet-related resources for families, caregivers and clinicians.
Inclusion Ireland
The National Association for People with an Intellectual Disability. This is a national organisation working to promote the rights of people with an intellectual disability in Ireland.
Little Blue Heroes
Little Blue Heroes are a fantastic charity linked with An Garda Siochana. Families of children with life limiting conditions can apply for a grant and to have their child become an honorary garda, complete with full uniform. Application forms are on their website.
Barretstown provides a variety of different types of family and sibling camps for children living with life threatening and life limiting conditions. Families can apply to attend a camp by completing the application form with a section for their medical professional to complete.
The BUMBLEance Children’s ambulance service provides transport for children travelling to hospital appointments and can be booked by parents or health care professionals.